Maybe I'm just a skeptic, but how do I know this is really episode 1? I'm hearing so many different versions on Youtube and other playback sites that I'm getting any assurance you could share is greatly appreciated. Cheers
Not sure how far Aaron has gotten but I am also trying to listen to every single episode! Hopefully soon, I will be able to comment again after reaching this episode.
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Where is the link for download man? Thanks for the awnsome site.
@Erik Fixed. Sorry about that.
You are the man! Thank bro.
Maybe I'm just a skeptic, but how do I know this is really episode 1? I'm hearing so many different versions on Youtube and other playback sites that I'm getting any assurance you could share is greatly appreciated. Cheers
Szia, Itt még nagyon jó mixeket csináltál.. Nem mondom, hogy most nem, de nekem már kicsit elvont és üzletszerű..! 900- óta sok a szöveg , amit úgy érzek, hogy egy mixbe nem kéne..!
Ãœdv Stewe from Hungary
dank je wel
cool site, but first hour is missing?
@xyz Cool comment. Do you have the link to where I can download the first hour?
cool site, but first hour is missing?
@xyz Hello, There is no "first hour". The entire episode is only an hour long
cool site, but first hour is missing?
according to your tracklist there is
only tracks 11 to 19 are in mp3
@xyz If you can find both hours in one track, please link it here, so that I can download and upload it here
Thanks to Zak/Siang1, I was able to upload the entire 2 hours of this episode.
Thank you for creating this Miro. Amazing.
It feels like we're so young again ðŸ‘
Can't wait to start this marathon of listening to every single episode
Not sure how far Aaron has gotten but I am also trying to listen to every single episode! Hopefully soon, I will be able to comment again after reaching this episode.