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Episode 1136
Artist: Armin van Buuren
Show: A State of Trance
Release Date: August 31, 2023
Genre: Trance
Quality: MP3 / Joint Stereo // Opus Audio
Bitrate: 320 kbps (MP3) // 192 kbps (OPUS) / 44.1 Khz
Duration: 02:02:42
Total Size: 280.83 MB // 168.67 MB

A State of Trance 1136
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A State of Trance 1136
is available on Apple Music!
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Comments on Episode 1136

2023-09-02 08:35:02

Hi, my podcast app (podbean) doesn't show episode 1135 and 1136. Is this because of the new hosting?


2023-09-02 18:35:05

@Wilco Apologies. Will try to resolve when I get a chance. By the next episode it should be working smile_emoji


2023-09-02 18:36:12

Hi, my podcast app (podbean) doesn't show episode 1135 and 1136. Is this because of the new hosting?


2023-09-05 10:32:45

@Wilco I believe I fixed the issue with the RSS feed not loading. Don't really know what was going on (no errors were showing in the file), but I did resolve an issue with it pulling some things from the database, so everything should more or less be working smile_emojisweat_smile_emoji


2023-09-10 14:42:33

Hi, Podbean is still stuck on epsiode 1134. I also get an PHP error on the main /ASOT/ page of your site


2023-09-10 14:44:56

Hi, Podbean is still stuck on epsiode 1134. I also get an PHP error on the main /ASOT/ page of your site


2023-09-10 14:46:33

And my personal mailadress (used in the comments last week) is marked as spam, I believe that was not on purpose


2023-09-10 14:59:03

@Wilco Hey, your email h******** is not my ban list, neither is your Name. Maybe you used a word that's on the banlist ?? As for Podbean, maybe remove the feed and readd it? It's working correctly on my Podcasts app sweat_smile_emoji


2023-09-10 17:20:07

@Miro Hi, thank you for your response. Podbean is stuck on 1134 on the web and in the app; google podcast does show 1137 on the web, but says that that episode is not published yet and is stuck at 1136 in the app; manually adding the RSS to the podcast addict app does show and play 1137. Strange, it looks like it is not a problem from your side. I guess that a url in a comment makes it marked as spam


2025-02-14 13:54:18

2025-02-17 09:25:34

2025-02-28 15:19:41

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If you post spam, or anything that looks like spam, you will be added to the ban list. If you feel you have been wrongfully banned, please email Miro. Thanks.
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